ANC Veterans League salutes the legacy of Cde Tito Mboweni

The ANC Veterans League is shocked and saddened by Cde Tito Mboweni’s sudden passing. He is one of the ANC’s best sons, serving the ANC and the government in many capacities, including as the Minister of Labour, Finance, and Reserve Bank Governor.

He came back to the country after spending time in exile in the early nineties and was one of the architects of economic policy that the Cde Nelson Mandela’s governments implemented.

From the start of his term of office as Labour Minister, Cde Tito Mboweni recognised that restoring dignity to workers was a critical part of reconstructing our country. He moved rapidly to give rights to workers such as domestic and farm workers who had been excluded from accessing labour rights under apartheid, improve dispute resolution, and embed the right to strike granted in the Constitution in labour legislation.

As the first black Governor of the Reserve Bank, he decisively introduced innovations and brought our Reserve Bank on par with others around the world. He successfully navigated turbulent financial waters both as Governor and later as Minister of Finance.

We should emulate a number of his attributes as we seek to renew the ANC. He was courageous and decisive in his financial decision-making as a Minister, incorruptible and personable, reaching out to the people uniquely. He was a true patriot and his ongoing contribution to South Africa’s future will be missed.

Issued by the ANC Veterans League President

Snuki Zikalala 
082 561 3900