The ANC Veteran’s League welcomes the list of candidates for national and provincial elections and congratulates the ANC cadres that have won the confidence of ANC branches, and provincial and national structure to make it onto the lists.

We are particularly proud of the Veteran’s League NEC and PEC members who have made it onto the candidate lists. As members who have been tested and tried through the struggle for freedom and democracy in our country, they can be trusted to listen and to serve the people.

The Veteran’s League have played important roles in the list process including nominating individuals, monitoring the integrity of the process and calling for those who have allegations facing them that may bring the ANC into disrepute to clear their names. These include individuals who had been implicated in the VBS scandal and Zondo, Motlanthe and other similar commissions.

We are pleased that the majority of candidates have passed through the eye of the needle, have the finest of leadership qualities and will serve the people with distinction. Many individuals who have previously brought the organisation into disrepute are not on any provincial or national list. This we believe is in part due to our efforts to raise the bar and insist that the candidate list must reflect the commitment of the ANC to renew itself.

There remain a few individuals who have not adhered to the ANC NEC decisions in respect of presenting themselves to the Integrity Commission or who have not yet been charged by the ANC’s disciplinary structures. We understand that the Secretary General’s Office is seized with completing these processes and we trust that the processes will be fast-tracked, so that either the individuals concerned are cleared or removed from candidate lists.

The list process has demonstrated that the ANC continues to take steps to renew itself, improve the quality of its public representatives and remove those who are intent on state capture and corruption from our ranks. It demonstrates the ongoing commitment, as articulated by President, Cde Cyril Ramaphosa that the ANC is working hard to restore the trust and confidence of the people as the leader of fundamental socio-economic transformation in our country. As the Veteran’s League, we have and will continue to play a central role in this renewal of the ANC.

The Veteran’s League continues to campaign for a decisive ANC victory on the continued understanding that the ANC remains the only party that has the track record and capacity to serve our people and deliver a better life for all.

Dr Snuki Zikalala,
President of ANC Veterans League
(T) 082 561 3900